Tuesday 14 February 2012

Evelyn Myrie A Hamilton Bigot

A while back I popped into my local censored newspaper to see what was going on. I use to comment there quite frequently but stopped for a bit.
I like to keep abreast of things that are happening in my city. When I came across this article it pissed me off. The article dealt with a local shop owner, a restauranteur. The name of his business is "Hillbilly Heaven"
From the picture[1] you can see that the owner has listed, for potential customers, things that are not on the menu.
So who cares right?
His shop his right to put any damn sign he wishes to put up so long as it doesn't promote violence. 
Pay particular attention to the list of foods, notice burgers is listed at the bottom. So his list of  "Things we Don't Have and never will" doesn't have any racial or religious specifics. Anything that is not barbequed "hillbilly" food is not offered.
Enter Evelyn Myrie [2] the local femie-gestapo and executive director of Hamilton’s Centre for Civic Inclusion.
Ms momie state Myrie has decided that the owner's (Cameron Bailey) signs which include " to better serve you, our staff speaks ENGLISH"  are ".. unacceptable and feeds into a stereotype"
While Mr. Bailey's signs may not be to Ms Myrie's liking they are well within the limits of free speech..
You know the second section of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Now this article located in the spectator[3] was one of the most commented on articles of that week. And I just so happen to have made a few comments on it.
My first comment dealt with Mr. Bailey's right to free speech and if people didn't like it they could go eat elsewhere.
Here is my first comment titled "Why care":

I didn't look back on that comment but a day later I was looking at the news and I saw that the "Hillbilly Heaven" article was still being commented on heavily. In fact there was about 234 comments on this particular article.

So I thought I would see what all the hub-bub was all about. When I got to the article page and started reading through the comments I noticed Ms Myrie had penned an article for the spec called "Swiffer ads demeaning to women"[4]and that this had spawned the huge amount of commenting on the "Hillbilly Heaven" article.

After reading Ms Myrie's article on the Swifter ads I had to call her what she is. She is a bigot. While she was more than willing to say that the ads depicting women as dirt were wrong and stereotypical she had nothing to say about the ads by the same company which depicted men the same way.
Here is an exact quote from her piece:
"I wish these ads would be replaced, because they perpetuate stereotypes about women — and are demeaning as well."
Now a person with the screen name of 1Canadian pointed to Ms Myrie's Swifter bigotry and I just could resist pointing it out. It is fem-me-ists like her that need to be dragged out into the light for all to see.
Their bullshit needs to be exposed. So this is what I posted:

Now for those who can't read this here is the exact comment:
 Hillbilly Heaven signs: Funny or off base? To those of you clicking the abuse button on 1Canadian I am killin myself laffin at you. He only c&p'd the article which is currently running in the spec by Evelyn Myrie. But lets get down to brass tacks about Ms Mommie State Myrie. She is a bigot. That's right a bigot, she is mad because in some of the commercials for Swifter products ( not all there are some where men are depicted as dirt as well ) women are depicted as dirt. So why not be mad at all of the swifter commercials Ms Myrie or are you fine with men being stereotyped as dirt? From what I can tell about Ms Myrie she appears to be a fem-ME-ist. Which brings me to another bone to pick if fem-Me-ism is about equality why isn't it called humanism or another sex inclusive term? I doubt she has an answer for that one and frankly most feminist don't. Ms Myrie also mentions the U.N. oh Lord did she ever step in the bear trap on that one. See while the U.N. has plenty of organizations for women it has none for men. Recently an organization call the National Coalition for Men has petitioned 170 some odd countries to sponsor their Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Men. But hey why worry about men after all men only make up 40% of post secondary college and university population. Public health funding yup women receive a whack more funding than men. Suicide rates of about 4:1 but hey they are only disposable men. How about abused men shelters nope Canada's government sadly lacks compassion for them as well. Anybody care to guess how many abused men's shelters there are in Canada? 100? nope 10? nope How about 1 and it is run by a gentleman out of Alberta. I believe the gentleman's name is Earl Silverman and he receives nothing from any government entity to run his shelter.The 8th of March is International Women’s Day And International men's day is when? How about genital mutilation, female genital mutilation is considered criminal while circumcision for males is okey dokey fine, ooops bigot much U.N.& Ms Myrie? How about sentencing disparity for similar crimes? Yes you guessed it men routinely receive longer sentences for the same crimes as women are convicted of but hey that's not sexist or bigoted at all is it now? Now who do we owe these sexist and discriminatory issues to? If you guessed fem-Me-ism you're right, I again would like to hammer home this point if feminism was about equality than why does it have a gender specific name? 01/26/12 - 8:46:45 PM

And here we can see it on my account with "The Spectator."

I also made a couple of other comments one giving kudos to a young man who was using critical thinking and another slamming another commenter for his preference of the comment section to become an echo chamber.
Not one of these comments were offensive.
At least to common sense folk.
To The Spectator, well they are of a different mind. Apparently pointing out someones bigotry is forbidden.
Within about an hour and a half they had closed down the commenting on Ms Myrie and her exposed bigotry.
Now I have had dealings with The Spectator before. I ran a piece about an article in their paper detailing a couple of  fuck-ups by the local elite police. You know the guys in black with the para-military outfits on. The ones who are allegedly the best of the best.
It was a stellar two weeks for those guys. First they broke down the door of a recent immigrant by the name of Po La Hay. while looking for a drug dealer. Not only did they break down his door but they assaulted him as well.
An excerpt from one article[5] on the incident:
" Po La Hay, a short, slender 59-year-old, suffered broken bones and a gashed head when a police tactical squad burst into his Sanford Avenue North apartment last year in search of a drug dealer.
The cocaine dealer, Gary Demetries, was later found next door."

About two weeks later the same bunch of goons broke down a door belonging to another innocent person. Again they were looking for a drug dealer. They had the place under surveillance and got themselves a warrant. Then they executed the warrant. There was a slight hitch.
The people they were looking for moved.
What also happened was that those elite police left behind a magazine of live rounds after they figured out that they yet again fucked up.
The link that was in my piece soon after lead to a dead link. The article had been removed. (I'm not going to produce the link here for now google only points to my old blog with personal info on it)
So when this incident with Ms Myrie happened I knew I would be taking screen captures. How does the saying go fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
So Later on I went back to check on my last comments and low and behold The Spectator was censoring the whole article's comments. They wiped all the comments out writing "Comments disabled due to offensive posts"
So I went to an article by the chief editor and posted this comment to him:

He as far as I know never did get back to me.
I then went back to my account and looked to see if it was my comment that shut down the "Hillbilly Heaven" article and sure enough exposing Ms Myrie as a bigot was the reason. The Spectator had even removed the comment from my account.

I guess the "Spectraitor" figures they can just wipe everything clean and no one will be the wiser to their feminist dictated ways.
Well I have a news flash for them;



A couple of more news reports on Ms Myrie's tempest in a teacup over Mr Bailey's signs:



Hillbilly Heaven's website:


[1] http://www.thespec.com/print/article/660388
[2] http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/evelyn-myrie/5/635/698

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